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Jul 18, 2014

do you feel as if someone controls you?


In life, there are so many things we cannot control. We often hear, it was us who draw and execute our plan, so no matter what happens, whether we succeed or we fail, we cannot blame others.

There are tons of things I wanted to do before I die, some of it, I have control, some I don't. Why? Because, I need another person to make it happen. There's nothing wrong being independent, and headstrong, and there's nothing wrong depending on others sometimes.

I really wanted to learn to swim, to be able to play piano and violin like others, but what I can do? I wasn't born rich neither born in a musically inclined family. That's one thing, we cannot choose who will be our parents. I dream of becoming a great artist, a painter, a pianist, a violinist, an architect, a writer, but I do not possess any talent! I tried learning as I have the means to study now, I can play minuet and moonriver. I tried my luck in violin, but my fingers won't follow!

 Today, the passengers of MH17 have no control to their deaths, they have no idea that they're going to die today.

And I have no idea what's going to happen to me after I posted this entry and go back to my hometown.
Life is full of uncertainties, so as my random thoughts.

Bottomline, just do what you want to do regardless of its consequence, but never blame others. Live your life as if there's no tomorrow. There's nothing wrong dreaming, it's the only free nowadays. Strive hard to achieve your goals, so when you succeed, you will be proud of yourself.

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Jul 17, 2014

Typhoon + Power Cut + No Water = Idle


Dearest Glenda,

You scared the hell out of me! The news said so that you are expected by evening of 15th of July, but I was greeted by mild rain, so I thought, you aren't that strong.

The next day, I heard banging outside, and when I opened my eyes I saw roofs flying, trees falling, and even few things in the front of my apartment were moved. You're such a wicked typhoon!

I wonder what happened to those who have fragile houses? hmm. Power was cut as early as 7 am. We have no stock of water to drink, can't cook as we only have electric burner. All of my gadgets batteries were drained. I intended to entertain myself thru reading book, but it was so dark to read.

My room mates and I decided to have dinner in Mcdonalds, luckily, the mall is open for they have generator. I waited till 2am this morning for power to come back, but it was fruitless.

As I woke up, 7am, everything is back to normal. I have food, The power supply is back, I have water, I have internet, and I still have myself:)

So, good bye Glenda. Be GONE!

Ps. I realized, I couldn't stand being idle. I thought I was going crazy yesterday!

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